Main Israel Jubilee Events- Western Europe

Main Israel Jubilee Events- Western Europe


    Main Israel Jubilee Events: Western Europe

    Note: The information below was provided by the respective Israeli embassies and consulates abroad (highlighted in bold). For further information or clarification, please contact them directly. Addresses, e-mail addresses and contact numbers can be accessed from our website.

    (updated as of January 4, 1998)




    Type of event


    Dec. 23, 1997

    Hanukkah opening event


    Independence Day

    Festive reception
    Jubilee exhibitions
    Musical performances



    Apr. 30, 1998

    Independence Day reception, to include the "Horizons" exhibition


    May 7, 1998

    Appearance by David Dower at the Istanbul Stock Exchange


    May 1998

    Exhibition of photographs by Varda Sam-Pollack


    June 1998

    Academic conference on Turkey-Israel relations


    Autumn 1998

    Top Importer award ceremony



    Dec. 23, 1997

    Lighting of the first Hanukkah candle in Skopje in the presence of the President of Macedonia


    January 1998

    The conference of the Association of Travel and Tourism Agents in Israel will be held in Athens. Israeli artists Ricki Gal, Rami Kleinstein, Yisrael Katorze will perform at the conference.


    JanuaryFebruary 1998

    "Horizons" photo exhibition and exhibition of Zionist posters


    March 1998

    Exhibition: "Architecture in Israel"


    April 1998

    Seminar on Greece-Israel relations organized by the Research Institute for Mediterranean and European Studies and with the participation of Israeli academics (at the European Cultural Center in Delphi).


    AprilMay 1998

    The Tel Aviv Museum exhibition "19481998: Three Generations in Modern Israeli Art" will be held at the National Gallery in Athens.


    June 1998

    Israel Film Week in Athens


    June 1998

    World premiere of the opera Elazar. This is a production of the Greek opera that will be presented at the Athens Festival. It tells the story of Elazar the Hasmonean.


    September 1998

    The Israel Chamber Orchestra will appear at the Athens International Festival.


    October 1998

    The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra will perform at the Megaron Athens Concert Hall with a local conductor.


    November 1998

    Shlomo Mintz will appear with the Athens orchestra.
    Contacts are under way to bring the Cameri Theater to Athens as part of a theatrical exchange project with the Greek National Theater. A tentative date has already been set for the Greek theaters performance in Israel.
    Translation of Israeli literature into Greek: Amos Oz (who is expected to visit Greece in the autumn of 1998 in coordination with the publishing house) and A. B. Yehoshua Mr. Mani (he may be invited to Greece in coordination with the publishing house). We are in contact with the company that will publish these books regarding the format of the main literary event at which the translated Israeli literature will be presented.


    December 1998

    Conference on Mediterranean economic cooperation, organized and sponsored jointly by Ben-Gurion University and the Greek Institute of Middle Eastern Studies (IMSAM).
    Publications (in Greek): Israel: Old-New Land, a booklet containing general information about Israel (culture, science, society, etc.) and about the special events expected to take place in Greece and Israel in honor of the jubilee; translation of the "Horizons" exhibition catalog; a booklet on Israeli film; a supplement about Israel in a major financial newspaper; a tourism supplement on Israel (taking advantage of the conference of the Association of Travel and Tourism Agents in Israel, to be held in Athens; see above)



    Dec. 23, 1997

    Hanukkah opening event


    Independence Day

    Festive reception



    Dec. 23, 1997

    Hanukkah opening event


    Independence Day

    Festive reception


    April 1998

    International book fair, with Israel as the country of honor



    Dec. 13, 1997

    Israel Week, including two exhibitions, lectures, and a performance by the Karmiel Dance Company


    Dec. 23, 1997

    Opening ceremony for the jubilee celebrations lighting of the first candle by the President of Germany in Munich


    Mar. 10, 1998

    Performance of Yehuda Almagors The Dwarf, in the Pantheon


    Mar. 16, 1998

    Performance by the Cameri Theater of Family Story


    Feb. 5, 1998

    Lecture: "If You Will It, It Is No Dream: On Utopian Planning in Altneuland," by Dr. Itta Heinde-Ginberg, at Aachen city hall, organized by the University of Aachen


    May 1998

    Lecture in honor of the jubilee at city hall
    Augsburg: Various activities are being planned for the Augsburg-Schweben Jewish museum.


    Mar. 8, 1998

    Concert by the Jerusalem Great Synagogue choir
    Exhibition in conjunction with ORT


    May 1998

    Exhibition: "Customs in the Everyday Lives of the Jews of the Low Countries"


    July 23, 1998

    Moran choir from Moshav Beit Yitzhak
    Throughout the year, activities in conjunction with the twin city of Bat Yam


    May 1998

    Festive lecture on Israel by Avraham Steinberg, accompanied by a musical program

    Bad Homburg

    December 1997

    "Akim" picture exhibition


    May/June 1998

    Symposium of small and medium enterprises in the friendship leagues in the region


    Mar. 4, 1998

    Performance by the Gesher Theater


    Mar. 1529, 1998

    "Without Borders": Literary week dedicated to Israel readings by Israel authors. Exhibition: "Contemporary Israeli Art" from the Ramat Gan Museum



    Readings organized by Prof. Roschenthaler


    November 1998

    Israeli Dance Week


    Mar. 1, 1998

    Concert by the Great Synagogue choir


    Jan. 25, 1998

    Exhibition: "Contemporary Israeli Art" from the Ramat Gan Museum in the palace



    Israel Week organized by the DIG


    May 14, 1998

    Performance of Yitzhak Bavels historical play The King, accompanied by an exhibition on the history of the State of Israel


    Jan. 27, 1998

    Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony, with special attention to the establishment of the State of Israel as a Jewish state


    Sept. 8, 1998

    Festive performance in honor of the jubilee



    The Popular University is planning a lecture on Israel.


    Apr. 30, 1998

    Party at the Swiss Hotel with the Sky High band


    Sept. 6, 1998

    Festive performance in honor of the jubilee


    Aug. 20Sept. 19, 1998

    Dance festival in the new dance hall of North RhineWestphalia. Participants: Liat Dror and Nir Ben-Gal, Batsheva Dance Company, Itim Dance Theater, dance workshops, musical performance of "Bustan," Vertigo, Kibbutz Dance Company


    Aug. 30, 1998

    Festive performance in honor of the jubilee

    Schloss Elmau bei Garmisch


    Book week readings by Batya Gur, Yehoshua Kenaz, Yehudit Katzir films and reading by Etgar Keret


    Mar. 1, 1998

    Performance by the Batsheva Dance Company


    Mar. 7, 1998

    Performance by the Gesher Theater


    Sept. 17, 1998

    Festive performance in honor of the jubilee



    Signing of a twin-cities pact between Haifa and Emden, accompanied by an artistic program


    May 14, 1998

    Opening of a photo exhibition at the old synagogue


    MayJuly 1998

    Lectures on various aspects of the development of the State of Israel and cooperation with the university, schools, and old synagogue. Interdisciplinary performances of Germany, Awake, organized by the Popular University



    Israeli-German seminar for educators: "The Aims of Education in the Next Millennium"


    December 1998

    Lecture by Prof. Chana Cotton: "Jerusalem during the Period of Roman Rule in Palestine"


    Spring 1998

    "Literature in the Castle," with Israeli authors


    Summer 1998

    Exchanges of Israeli and German artists, workshops


    Mar. 7, 1998

    Performance by the Batsheva Dance Company


    Mar. 11, 1998

    Performance by the Gesher Theater


    Dec. 7

    Opening of the exhibition "Peace in the Desert," by Ruth Levin, at the Moritzburg Museum


    Nov. 68, 1998

    Israeli film and theater days


    Aug. 19, 1998

    Opening of an exhibition of photographs by Micha Baram at the Springer publishing house


    Aug. 19Sept. 12, 1998

    International summer festival with the Batsheva Dance Company, Zik Theater, Divan band, Itim Dance Theater, three young choreographers (Barak Marshal, Yossi Agmon, and Inbal Pinto), Ilana Elya, Smadar Yaaron dancing, Bernando Montat French-German-Israeli cooperation, international dance evening "Israel: Its Meaning for the World", performances by many Israeli bands


    Feb. 26, 1998

    Performance by the Batsheva Dance Company, films, exhibitions, readings


    Feb. 28, 1998

    Opening concert by the Great Synagogue choir


    Mar. 5, 1998

    Performance by the Gesher Theater


    Mar. 12 and 29, 1998

    "Without Borders": readings by Batya Gur, Yehoshua Kenaz, and Benny Barabash


    Sept. 2, 1998

    Festive performance in honor of the jubilee


    May 1998

    Exhibition by Ruth Shani: "Tel Aviv-Safed Paintings on Silk"


    Mar. 14 and 16, 1998

    Performance by the Cameri Theater of Family Story


    Apr. 1930, 1998

    "Shalom Israel" exhibition at city hall, lecture, dance troupe, and musical ensemble


    Mar. 4, 1998

    Concert by the Jerusalem Great Synagogue choir


    Mar. 17, 1998

    Performance by the Gesher Theater


    May 1998

    Exchanges of delegations with the Meggido Regional Council



    Lectures and films at the Popular University



    "Israel Yesterday and Today": essay contest organized by the Cologne Jewish community
    "Akim" exhibition
    Auction to raise funds, organized by the CologneTel Aviv Twin City Pact


    Mar. 1617, 1998

    Book week, with Benny Barabash, Etgar Keret, Yehudit Katzir, Sami Michael


    Mar. 1421, 1998

    The University of Cologne and the Theater Department are organizing an Israeli-German theater festival, with the participation of semiprofessional groups and an accompanying program.


    Late autumn/winter

    Showing of the Dead Sea Scrolls at the Roman-German Museum


    May 10Aug. 9, 1998

    "Being There": exhibition by Zvi Goldstein at the Kaiser Wilhelm Museum


    May 1998

    Festive concert by the Hatikvah orchestra in the Ewandhaus


    May 14, 1998

    Festive Independence Day ceremonies in the Leipzig synagogue


    Sept. 10, 1998

    Festive performance in honor of the jubilee; exhibitions and discussions



    Exhibitions, seminars, films, lectures


    Dec. 14, 1997

    Presentation of the book The Will to Go to the Holy City and screening of films in the old synagogue building in Freudental


    Jan. 18, 1998

    Celebration to mark the opening of a series of jubilee events in the old synagogue in Freudental


    February 1998

    Concert by Efrat Peled; art and coin exhibitions


    Mar. 14, 1998

    Concert by the Philharmonic Orchestra at the music festival in the Ludwigsburg Palace


    Feb. 23, 1998

    Performance by the Batsheva Dance Company


    Mar. 1529, 1998

    Literary evenings; see Braunschweig


    Dec. 11, 1997

    Teachers seminar: "Israel at 50"


    Mar. 11, 1998

    "Israel at 50": lecture by Natan Schneider/Tel Aviv


    July 1998

    Israel Week. Exhibitions of Israeli pictures and films. "Contemporary Israeli Artists" exhibition at the Reg. Museum


    Mar. 18, 1998

    Opening of Israel Film Week


    May 19, 1998

    Exhibition: Dorit Yaakobi, DIG


    Jan. 14, 1998

    Opening of the exhibition "The Missing Picture," in memory of Yitzhak Rabin. Readings, concert, and films organized by the Jewish community


    Jan. 14, 1998

    Exhibition: Ruth Horm


    May 18, 1998

    Discussion and concert by the Haifa Municipal Theater, organized by DIG


    July 5, 1998

    Concert: Giora Feidman and the Israeli Camerata Orchestra


    Sept. 20, 1998

    Concert: Sharon Kam and the Orin Quartet



    Lectures at the Popular University in cooperation with the twin city of Kefar Sava


    Mar. 515, 1998

    International Book Week, dedicated to Israel. Guests: Yehuda Amihai, Naim Areidi, Uri Avnery, Benny Barabash, Lev Brinsky, Daniela Carmi, Amos Elon, Batya Gur, A. B. Yehoshua, Yoram Kaniuk, Yehudit Katzir, Yehoshua Kenaz, Etgar Keret, Savyon Liebrecht, Mira Magen, Ronit Matlon, Sami Michael, Dorit Ravinian, Meir Shalev. Concurrent with the book week will be a series of Israeli films at the Museum of Cinema.


    SeptemberOct. 26, 1998

    Dance 98 Modern dance festival. Participants: Itim Theater, Kibbutz Dance Company, Liat Dror and Nir Ben-Gal, workshops with Amos Hertz, Batsheva Dance Company


    May 15, 1998

    Exhibition and lecture "Daily Life in Israel"


    May 16, 1998

    Jubilee celebrations organized by the Germany-Israel Friendship League


    Mar. 6, 1998

    Concert by the Jerusalem Great Synagogue choir


    Feb. 12Apr. 12, 1998

    "Being There": exhibition by Zvi Goldstein



    Exchanges of delegations with the twin city of Nahariyya


    Jan. 2325, 1998

    "Leisure Time and Travel" tourism fair, with emphasis on Israel


    Feb. 28, 1998

    Performance by the Batsheva Dance Company


    Sept. 3, 1998

    Festive performance in honor of the jubilee


    Dec. 23, 1997

    Candle-lighting in the market square


    Mar. 9, 1998

    Performance by the Batsheva Dance Company


    July-August 1998

    (Seeking an Israeli folklore troupe)



    Exhibitions, lectures, and discussions



    Various events at the Popular University, with emphasis on Israel



    Meeting of jurists at the Academy of Law, in conjunction with the Israel-Germany Jurists Organization. Additional events are being planned by the friendship league.


    Mid-July 1998

    Beersheva Philharmonic Youth Orchestra


    Feb. 17, 1998

    Concert: Efrat Peled and Avri Levitan


    May 2224, 1998

    "50 Years: From the Socialist Idea to the Post-Zionist Reality": seminars on theater, film, and literature organized by the Catholic Academy kaleidoscope


    Mar. 5, 1998

    Performance by the Batsheva Dance Company


    Mar. 13, 1998

    Performance by the Gesher Theater



    Exhibition: "Land Development and Afforestation." Exhibitions and lectures at the University of Trier


    Mar. 4, 1998

    Performance by the Batsheva Dance Company


    Jan. 15, 1998

    Festive evening organized by the Friends of Israel Association in Weimar and Oldenburg


    July 1998

    Moran childrens choir from Beit Yitzhak


    October 1998

    Events in honor of Israel will take place in the city over several months.



    Exchanges of groups with the twin city of Kefar Sava



    Film Week in the film club in the city


    Feb. 24, 1998

    Performance by the Batsheva Dance Company


    Mar. 13

    Performance by the Gesher Theater



    Various events are being planned.


    February 1998

    Lecture by Moshe Zimmerman: "Turning Point in Israel"


    Mar. 12, 1998

    Lecture by Natan Schneider: "50 Years Where Has Israel Come To?"


    Mar. 11, 1998

    Concert by the Jerusalem Great Synagogue choir


    Mar. 14, 1998

    Performance by the Gesher Theater



    Various events are being planned.



    In-service course for teachers on Holocaust education in schools, study tour, publication of a manual containing study topics on the jubilee as part of the series "Teaching and Learning," put out by the National Institute for Education and Teaching


    Mar. 10end of April 1998

    International Book Week in Bavaria will open in the city of Rosenheim with Israeli and German authors.



    Festive ceremony in the Landtag to open the jubilee events in the capital, Potsdam, with the participation of the heads of the state. Essay contest and dedication of class hours in school



    Official ceremony in the Landtag and many additional programs


    May 7, 1998

    Opening of an exhibition of four young Israeli artists at the Science Ministry in Dusseldorf


    May 28, 1998

    Festive evening in the mission building in Bonn, with the participation of Johannes Rau and Israeli bands. "Building New Bridges": four nationwide competitions for children and teenagers


    Dec. 5, 1997

    Festive evening in the Landtag in the presence of Minister-President Biedenkopf, with a musical program


    Dec. 4, 1997

    Festive session of the Landtag in the presence of the heads of the state



    Opening of the exhibition "From Vision to Life"; opening of an exhibition by six pupils who took part in youth exchanges with Israel



    Dec. 13, 1997

    Berlin: Festive concert sponsored by the Municipality of Wilhelmsdorf, with the earnings dedicated to planting trees in the Wilhelmsdorf grove in the twin city of Karmiel


    Jan. 7, 1998

    Gala "Musical Youth" concert by the Berlin Philharmonic, sponsored by the presidents of Germany and Israel and followed by a concert in Jerusalem


    Jan. 7end of January 1998

    Concurrent with the concert: opening of an exhibition at the Philharmonic: "From Vision to Life"


    Feb. 15Mar. 1, 1998

    Avri Levitan (viola) and Efrat Peled (piano)


    Mar. 2, 1998

    Gala concert at the Berlin Opera, with Liza Minelli


    Mar. 18, 1998

    Israel Week at the Academy of the Arts ADK


    Mar. 1, 1998

    Lecture by Shimon Peres as part of the Berliner Lektion


    Mar. 1, 1998

    Opening of an exhibition of photographs and documents: "Israel-German Relations," ADK


    Mar. 1, 1998

    The Gesher Theater will perform The Village at the Hebbel Theater.


    Mar. 45, 1998

    Theatrical performance: Crazy, Tel Aviv/Paris, at the HKW


    Mar. 78, 1998

    Discussion of current events and Israel-Germany relations


    Mar. 14, 1998

    Performance by three Israeli singing groups at a Berlin hotel


    Mar. 2329, 1998

    Readings by Israeli authors and poets at the Wannsee Literary Institute, with Yehuda Amihai, Ami Orr, Ruth Almog, Etgar Keret, Batya Gur, and Yoram Kaniuk


    Independence Day (Apr. 30)

    Direct broadcast of the celebrations at the Ramat Gan Stadium


    May 7, 1998

    Reception by the Israel Ambassador in Bonn, organized by the embassy


    May 7, 1998

    Opening of an exhibition of photographs by Micha Baram at the Springer publishing house, organized by the embassy


    May 14, 1998

    Central event of DIG-Germany. Concert by the new Israeli ensemble Musica Nova


    May 17 and 19, 1998

    Two concerts in honor of the jubilee at the Concert House and the Philharmonic, initiatives of the Association for the Promotion of Jewish Music


    June 616, 1998

    "Israel at 50: A Contemporary Look at the New Israeli Film": screening of films and meeting with Israeli directors and filmmakers. Sponsored by the Judische Volkshochschule.


    Aug. 27, 1998

    Main event at the Deutsche Staatsoper Berlin, in the presence of the President of Germany and the Israel Ambassador to Bonn, organized by the embassy in Bonn


    MarchNovember 1998

    Film festival: "50 Years 50 Films" German Friends of the Cinematheque


    Summer 1998

    Komische Oper: Dance and song performance, with Esther Ofarim, Ofra Haza, and Hava Alberstein


    August 1998

    Silent Dance 98: Joint production by the Batsheva Dance Company and the Tolada Dance Company (Berlin)



    "From Vision to Life" exhibition at the Bernburg Castle museum



    Main event with a musical program and a reception by the mayor and the DIG



    Dec. 23, 1997

    Hanukkah opening event


    Independence Day

    Festive reception



    Salute to Israel Belgian artists


    All year




    Apr. 30, 1998

    50th Independence Day celebrations


    Apr. 2527, 1998

    Israeli artists to be invited to the Tivoli. Among the participants are the Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra, Yusuf Wahad, and Pablo Ariel.
    Annual conference of friendship leagues to mark the jubilee


    April 1998

    Seminar on the Middle East
    Traveling information exhibitions.
    Study tour of Israel for media people who deal with the Middle East
    Trip to Israel by members of friendship leagues and fighters in the Danish underground in World War II



    Dec. 23, 1997

    Hanukkah opening event


    Independence Day

    Reception with a concert by Israeli artists
    Production of special publications



    Dec. 23, 1997

    Ceremony of lighting the first Hanukkah candle and opening the jubilee celebrations in the presence of the Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Speaker of Parliament, and mayor of the Hague


    Feb. 26, 1998

    Yad Vashem ceremony to award Righteous among the Nations citations to 17 Dutch citizens


    Apr. 21, 1998

    Giant concert by the Holland Choir in the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam


    Apr. 26, 1998

    Appearance by Chief Rabbi Lau in the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam


    Apr. 29, 1998

    Jewish community event in honor of the jubilee


    Apr. 30, 1998

    Festive Independence Day concert


    May 3, 1998

    Opening of the Jewish Music Festival in honor of the jubilee
    Special edition of the prestigious literary monthly De Tweede Ronde in the second half of 1998
    Jubilee supplements in the newspapers Het Parool and Haagsche Courant, and many television channels (including Avro and EO), RTL, TROS. Supplements/special broadcast days are planned for the entire jubilee year.


    February 1998

    Special edition of the monthly newsletter for elementary-school teachers, to include information and suggestions for teaching about the jubilee year



    Dec. 23, 1997

    Opening of the jubilee celebrations with a ceremony in the Jewish community to light the first Hanukkah candle in the presence of the President of Finland
    Finland-Israel Interparliamentary Friendship League: The chairman of the Israeli league, MK Modi Sandberg, is invited to Finland to mark the 50th anniversary of the State of Israel.
    International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, Finnish Division: Jerusalem mayor Ehud Olmert is invited to Finland to mark the 50th anniversary of the State of Israel.
    Finnish Friends of Israel Association: Reuma Weizman, the wife of the President of Israel, is invited to Finland to mark the 50th anniversary of the State of Israel.
    Finnish Writers Association: An Israeli author is invited to visit Finland on a lecture tour to mark the 50th anniversary of the State of Israel.


    Independence Day

    Especially big reception to mark Israels jubilee
    Gala concert by the Lahti symphony orchestra: Salute to Israel at 50
    Preparation of a special supplement to be distributed with the leading Finnish newspaper on Independence Day
    Finland-Israel Friendship League: schedule of cultural events in the periphery to mark the 50th anniversary of Israeli independence
    Jewish community: special cultural evening in honor of Israels jubilee
    Articles and broadcasts on Israels jubilee in the media



    Dec. 23, 1997

    As part of the opening of the jubilee celebrations, two senior officials Cardinal Cassidy, the head of the Commission for Religious Ties with Judaism (as the Popes personal representative), and Monsignor Tauran, the Foreign Minister of the Vatican will take part in the ceremony of lighting the first Hanukkah candle, to be held in the Vatican Gardens (next to the olive tree from Jerusalem that was planted there in June 1994 on the first anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and the State of Israel). Other people have also been invited, including cardinals and rectors of Catholic universities.


    Jan. 18, 1998

    Cultural event with the ambassador in the city of Fano


    February 1998

    "By Bread Alone" exhibition at Urbaniani University in Rome. The idea is to have the exhibition travel to similar universities afterwards.
    Study day/seminar for Jewish-Christian friendship leagues to mark the jubilee.
    "Israel at 50" exhibition: The main opening event of the exhibition will include a concert/cultural event. In the planning stages.
    Performances by the klezmer musician Shmuel Ahiezer. At least one of the concerts will be held in cooperation with the academic institution of the Vatican that deals with church music.
    Stamp exhibition on Jerusalem in Rome and through Italy with the help of Christian organizations and Jewish-Christian friendship leagues.
    Three-way exhibition of Jewish manuscripts: An exhibition of ancient Jewish manuscripts to include displays from three sources: the Vatican library, the library of the Jewish community in Rome, and the National Library in Jerusalem.
    In the city of Brescia, in northern Italy, a local (Christian) artist has prepared a giant painting of a Jerusalem landscape that he intends to donate to the city of Jerusalem to have it placed in a public institution in the city (apparently a school).
    Ladino music concert in cooperation with the Spanish embassy to the Vatican.


    Independence Day

    Big concert and reception.
    Seminar on antisemitism in cooperation with the Holy See or a Catholic academic institution.
    Round of appearances in Italy by an expert on archaeology who will tell of recent discoveries in the Christian holy places, including the discovery of the kathisma near Bethlehem.



    Dec. 23, 1997

    Hanukkah opening event


    Independence Day

    Festive reception
    Rally concert and band
    Israel Week in Lisbon and elsewhere in Portugal
    Newspaper supplements
    Israeli films
    Traveling exhibitions from Israel



    Dec. 23, 1997

    Hanukkah opening event


    Independence Day

    Festive reception


    Jan. 28, 1998

    Philharmonic Orchestra



    Reading of eight Israeli plays at the National Theatre
    Performance of Yuval Tals opera The Park by the Thameside Opera


    May 1998

    Focus program on Israeli dance at Dance City in Newcastle and London


    May 1998

    Israeli piano trio in Prestin and traveling around Britain



    Gesher Theater


    May 1998

    Wembley Arena (week of events)


    Independence Day

    Wembley Arena festive performance music, dance, and lyrics, produced by Dan Almagor



    Soccer game between a London team and the Israeli national team
    Events in the main peripheral cities: 510 cities.



    Dec. 23, 1997

    Hanukkah opening event


    Independence Day

    Festive reception
    Main events in Madrid and Barcelona with an Israeli dance troupe and a singer
    Traveling exhibitions
    Television programs
    Israel Week in a Madrid department store



    Dec. 23, 1997

    Conference of Mashav alumni over the years. The conference will be held in the Ambassadors residence and will be the opening event of the jubilee events in Cyprus, in the presence of the President of Cyprus.


    Late March 1998

    Visit by the directors-general of the coordination bureau of economic organizations and a seminar on Israel, relations between the two countries, and regional economic aspects. The matter is being coordinated with the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce


    Independence Day

    Performance by an Israeli folklore troupe at the festive reception. The troupe will also perform elsewhere in Nicosia and in peripheral cities.
    Publication of newspaper supplements in both the general press and the financial press reflecting the 50 years of the State of Israel


    June 1998

    Solidarity trip to Israel by 450 members of the Friendship League and their families, along with high-ranking officials from the Administration and the House of Representatives
    Re-establishment of the monument in memory of the clandestine immigrants active in Cyprus in the pre-State years. The subject is being coordinated with the Friendship League.
    Visit by the mayor of Paphos to the mayors conference in Israel


    June 1998

    "Vibrant Israel" photo exhibition in Nicosia and other cities


    June 1998

    Meeting of US and Latin American Jewish leaders in Cyprus on their way to Israel. The community leaders will visit the sites of camps in which clandestine immigrants were held on the island.


    SeptemberOctober 1998

    Joint classical music concert by Israeli and Cypriot musicians. This event will be the climax of the cultural events in Cyprus for the jubilee year. It will consist of a festive concert in Nicosia and another concert in Limasol.
    Israel Film Week, to be held in Cyprus for the first time.
    Production of special publications in Greek for the jubilee.


    November 1998

    Trade exhibition of Israeli products at the International Exhibition Center in Nicosia.
    Festive Top Importer award ceremony
    Embassy participation, by means of an El Al booth, in the annual tourism fair in Cyprus.
    Organization of an Israeli booth at the international trade fair in Cyprus.



    MarchApril 1998

    Workshop on documentary films on Israeli society, to be held on the big campuses in Oslo, Bergen, and Trondheim


    Apr. 30, 1998

    A "Salute to Israel" event sponsored by friends of Israel in Norway Christian organizations, friendship leagues, and the Jewish community will take place in the concert hall in Oslo on Independence Day.


    May 13, 1998

    "Salute to the Jubilee" event by friends of Israel in the Christian Democratic party over the years
    The embassy plans to hold a concert and reception together with or within a few days of the big salute.


    June 1998

    Event sponsored by the Israel-Norway Chamber of Commerce, to include hosting of a delegation of Israel businesspeople


    JulyAugust 1998

    Festive reception in Iceland in conjunction with the honorary consul of Israel and our friends on the island
    Israel Film Week in cinemas outside Oslo
    Workshops on Israeli literature and song in conjunction with the Norwegian Writers Association.



    SeptemberDecember 1998

    "Israeli Season":
    Music Approximately 15 concerts in Paris and traveling shows in Paris, Lyons, and Marseilles
    Dance Approximately 10 performances in Paris and traveling dance troupes in Paris, Lyons, Montpellier, Lille, Rennes, and other locations: five troupes will perform in these cities.
    Theater: Four Israeli theaters in a round of performances in Paris, Marseilles, and Aix-en-Provence, and a joint production in Strasbourg
    Plastic arts: Exhibitions in Montpellier, Reims, Lyons, Bordeaux (2 exhibitions), Marseilles (2), Aix-en-Provence (group exhibition and individual exhibition), Sete, Quimper, Paris (7 exhibitions in public places and private galleries), and Chateauroux

  • Invitations to two artists to teach and two to create works of art
  • Symposia and collaboration between French and Israeli art journals
  • Publicity bus for plastic-arts exhibitions

    Design and architecture: Exhibition, realization of three models by Bezalel students and presentation of these models in the Nauto gallery in Paris; collaboration between schools of architecture

    Photography: Two exhibitions in Paris, one in Aix-en-Provence, and one in Marseilles

    Film: Reconstruction of an Israeli film; collaboration between film schools; Poitiers student festival; screening of Israeli films in Montpellier, Marseilles, Aix-en-Provence, Lyons, Toulouse, Paris, Strasbourg, and Bordeaux. Waiting for additional approvals.

    Literature and poetry: Five weeks of literature and poetry in Paris, Bordeaux and surrounding towns, Aix-en-Provence, and Marseilles; workshops, lecture series, discussion of childrens literature

    Discussion regarding preparation of special projects on social integration, medicine, computers, and education



    December 1997

    Ben-Gurion event (three exhibitions, three artistic events, two discussions, two lectures, films, etc.)
    Lighting of Hanukkah candles (on Dec. 28)


    February 1998

    Delegation of seven heads of religions


    April 1998

    Documentary Film Week, supplement or series of articles on Israel, Israeli Book Week


    Apr. 30, 1998

    Independence Day


    May 1998

    Exhibition of front pages from the world press on or around the day Israel declared its independence. Visit by the mayor with a financial delegation


    Late May 1998

    Basketball tournament in Antibes


    June 1998

    Sailing salute to Israel
    Two soccer games: in Marseilles and in Monaco.



    Dec. 23, 1997

    Hanukkah opening event


    Independence Day

    Festive reception


    May 1998

    Large main event in Rome and performances around Italy



    Dec. 23, 1997

    Opening event lighting of the first Hanukkah candle in the central hall of the Jewish community in the presence of one of the senior government minister


    Jan. 18, 1998

    Concert by the citys symphony orchestra, Jonkping, with Israeli violinist Guy Braunstein and conductor Menachem Nebenhaus


    March 1998

    Literary seminar with two Israeli women authors


    April 1998

    Cultural seminar with two Israeli authors Anton Shamosh and Sami Michael


    Apr. 26, 1998

    Main event in the municipal auditorium (where the Nobel Prize ceremony is held each year) in the presence of Prime Minister Goran Persson. The program will include artistic elements and the participation of well-known Swedish artists.
    Premiere of the play Gan Ricki, by David Grossman.


    May 1998

    Israel Week, organized by the Swedish Free Church Council.



    Keren Hayesod is also planning a series of events, including a festive dinner at the Ambassadors residence on Jan. 29 with MK Amnon Rubinstein, a multimedia performance at the opening of its fundraising drive on Jan. 31, concerts at the Great Synagogue, two plays connected to the jubilee by the Jewish theater, and a repeat broadcast of the opening event at Teddy Stadium on May 3. In May the Friendship League will conduct various activities, both on the national level at the annual conference and in the local branches Malmo and Vasteras.



    Exhibition on Israels 50th anniversary at the Historical Art Museum
    Concert by the Vienna Symphony Orchestra in conjunction with the radio


    MayJune 1998

    Special concerts in the Musikverein (May 28) and Konzerthaus (June 9)
    Concert of Jewish and Israeli music
    Cultural events in cooperation with the Austrian Broadcasting Authority Department of Science and Culture


    June 1998

    "Salute to Israel" event by the Maccabi movement
    Israel film week


    August 1998

    Performance by the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra in Vienna
    Main "Salute to Israel" event in Austria Center
    "Birth of Israel" exhibition in the Federal Assembly building
    Special issues of the Jewish newspapers in Vienna dedicated to Israel
    Event in the Jewish school, including a quiz about Israel
    Symposia of the Hebrew University and Tel Aviv University friendship societies
    Festive conference of the Austria-Israel Friendship Society
    Festive session of the Parliamentary Friendship Society
    Israel Day in the Jewish community
    Special Purim party organized by WIZO
    Exhibition of Israeli postage stamps


    May 1998

    Israeli Culture Week
    "Salute to Israel" event by Hashomer Hatzair
    Israeli art exhibition in the Jewish museum
    Event marking Austrias role in immigration to Israel